
Not only is Kim Kardashian no stranger to the world of beauty, but it sounds like some hypothetical ideas are not all that strange to her at all. See what Kim said about having "just a bite."

By Kisha Forde Jul 07, 2022 3:37 PM Tags

Kim Kardashian isn't afraid to try something different—even if it isn't no. 1 on everyone's list.

After joking in early June that she would "eat poop every single day" if it helped her look younger, the SKIMS founder is now doubling down on her head-turning admission.

"I was kind of joking," Kim told Allure in an article published July 7. "But now that I think about it, I would probably eat s--t if someone told me, ‘If you eat this bowl of poop every single day, you'll look younger.'"

As for the quantity? "Maybe just a bite," she told the outlet. "I don't think I can do a whole bowl."

All jokes aside, Kim noted that there are no blurred lines when it comes to her true thoughts on aging. "That doesn't mean that I don't know the difference from that to an unhealthy level of feeling like I can't age," she continued. "I'm 41. I always want to look appropriate. There does come a point when you've taken it too far—overfilled, too tight, too much cosmetic work. There's nothing worse."

Kim Kardashian's Best Looks

However, the mom of four—who recently launched her own skin care line—made it clear that she does go above and beyond when it comes to her achieving her look. "I really, genuinely care about looking good," she said. "I probably care more than 90 percent of the people on this planet. It's not easy when you're a mom and you're exhausted at the end of the day or you're in school, and I'm all of the above. I do my beauty treatments usually late at night. After everyone's in bed, I'm doing laser treatments."


But that's not to say she's on a quest to fix every single thing. As Kim put it, "I'm at peace with not being perfect and I wasn't like that before."

John Shearer/Getty Images

"I hate my hands—they're wrinkly and gross. But I've lived life and I've changed so many diapers with these hands and I've snuggled my babies with these hands, so I'm okay with them," The Kardashians star added. "[Getting older] doesn't mean that I won't strive for perfection, but you get to a point where you're like, ‘Okay, my health is more important than anything else.'"

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